We want your vehicle! Get the best value for your trade-in!

Find your next car at Government Fleet Sales in Kansas City, MO

We Buy Cars!

We Buy Cars for CASH, take Trade-ins and take Consignments, we have everything you are looking for.

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At Your Service

Ultimate Buying Experience

Purchasing quality cars at the best prices, means savings for you!

Not Just Another Dealer

We hand pick each car, whether we are buying from the dealer auction or from a private party.

Here To Help

We buy cars for CASH, take trade-ins and take consignments.

Extended Warranties!

We can provide YOUR VEHICLE with a warranty with nationwide coverage.
Coverage up to 4 years with mileage restrictions.

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Government Fleet Sales

About Us

Government Fleet Sales, located in Kansas City, Missouri, provides affordable quality fleet & government vehicles to the public & government agencies. We offer financing options for good & bad credit as well as extended warranties. Nationwide shipping is available to our out-of-town customers. View our inventory online or in-person, consisting of sedans, SUVs, vans & trucks. Our sales staff is prepared to serve you and assure your satisfaction. We have been in business since 1994 providing thousands of customers quality vehicles at an affordable price. We hope to see you soon!

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